J&K Petersen Contractors


Originally founded in 1948 as a trucking firm turned building contrac­tor by the mid 1970s, J&K Petersen has gradually evolved to what it is today - an independent, well equipped construc­tion company with its own fleet of heavy machinery and trucks including, for ex­ample a cement mixing factory, a split barge and a backhoe dredger vessel.

The company has been involved in a significant portion of all major works undertaken in the Faroe Islands in re­cent years. Completing Vagar Airport’s runway extension implied, for example, blasting and moving 1.7 million cubic meters of rock and earth.

Other high-profile projects of late date have included harbors, bridges, indus­trial facilities, warehouse and office buildings, healthcare facilities, schools, and residential buildings. 

Building and maintaining harbor facilities is one of J & K’s specialties and the company has been involved with most harbor deepening projects and major developments undertaken by Faroese ports in the last few decades, so much so that a growing number of contracts has been signed with clients from neighboring countries.

Contact Info

J & K Petersen Contractors P/F
Á Hjalla 13
FO-188 Hoyvík
Faroe Islands

Phone: +298 315060
Fax: +298 314194
Email: jkp@jkp.fo