Allan Dalsgarð August 22, 2015 Services, Environment and Safety, Wholesales | Retail Trade Vestpack Allan Dalsgarð August 22, 2015 Services, Environment and Safety, Wholesales | Retail Trade CONTACT INFOP/f Vest PackFjarðarvegur 10FO-350 VestmannaFaroe IslandsTel.: + 298 424107Fax.: + 298 424509Teldupost: GO TO WEB VIdeo presentation
Allan Dalsgarð August 22, 2015 Wholesales | Retail Trade, Environment and Safety, Services Kemilux Allan Dalsgarð August 22, 2015 Wholesales | Retail Trade, Environment and Safety, Services KEMILUX has since 1965 offered a growing range of quality detergents/cleaning agents for an industrial or marine environment. Kemilux has had great success over the years selling S-1 EXTRA for heavy duty cleaning.