THOR Ltd is a shipping company located in Hósvík, a safe natural harbour, close to Tórshavn the capital of the Faroe Islands.
We own a number of ships and offer you the benefit of our expertise in a comprehensive range of services.
The company's name is derived from "Hósvík", which means Thor's creek. Hós is an alternative spelling of Thor (sometimes written as Tor). Thor in Nordic mythology was the god of thunder, a very strong and powerful god who was also the guardian of the gods.
Thor was established 10 August 1994 and now operates 22 vessels. In the past the company was mainly active in the fishing industry operating gillnetters/longliners. However since 1997 it has become increasingly active in supplying support/ chase/ guard vessels for the off-shore oil industry and cable/pipe-laying operations and has gained a lot of its expertise and experience by working for some of the world's largest seismic companies.
Thor prides itself on being an innovative, trustworthy and creative company. The company has an ambitious quality policy. All work is carried out according to a high standard Quality, Safety and Environmental Manual.
Thor's policy of looking after its human resources has resulted in a low turnover of employees. Therefore the company has built up a workforce, on land and sea, of well-motivated, experienced and flexible people who are fluent in Scandinavian and English.
Thor Ltd is an experienced company that you can rely on for work around the Faroe Islands and all over the world. Do not hesitate to contact us whatever your requirements are.
Our function is
Operating ships within the oil and fishing industries and offering services inside all ships' operations, on a level which is among the best on the market. Our vision is: to be the best service partner in the North Atlantic.
Our new Vessel Thor Frigg, 2015
Thor Ltd.
Bryggjan 5
FO420 Hósvík
Faroe Islands
telephone: +298 422503
Fax: +298 422383
Email: thor@thor.fo